October into November

After not reading anything in July and August, then a small amount of books in September, October was definitely my friend. Between working on a children's reading list and the Dewey Readathon I was able get 10 books read! 



7 kids books, a short story collection, and two adult books! October also saw me meeting my Goodreads yearly challenge of 25 books. 


I've got a full month of reads for November and what doesn't get finished will get pushed to December as I've just got light Christmas reads scheduled. The last four books on the graphic is things coming out in November and/or things I'm waiting on the library to physically attain. 


I should be done with "Footprints in the Dew" in the next couple of days. Then I'm delving into "The Black Hand" and my next batch of kids books. Here's my list for November TBR: